Charlie Sheen's Guide To Why Women Like Older Men
Charlie Sheen's Guide To Why Women Like Older Men
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Keanu Reeves is dating a woman close to hwill be own age. Why is that so shocking?
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Keanu Reeves’s new relationship with artist Alexandra Grant has sparked a debate over ageism.
by Aja Romano
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Keanu Reeves has a girlfriend, a newnd our hearts are explodebing with affection. And, because this is 2019, therefore will be online disagreement about who his lover is certainly also, how old she is, and what those details all mean.
Keanu’s public persona is a bit unusual for Hollywood: He’s seen as a friendly, kind, but essentially private and will beolated actor so well-known for his solitude that it’s become a meme. But the era of “sad Keanu” and “lonely Keanu” is apparently no more: Over the weekend, following a few weeks of burgeoning rumors about his love life, Reeves exhibited up at an fine art gala in Los Angeles possessing arms with his longtime creative collaborator, Alexandra Grant.
The move prompted a flurry of conversation, most of it centering on the mystery woman’s identity (no, she’s not Helen Mirren, though many people noted a resemblance), and her age especially. As surprising as it was to see the famously single Reeves appearing in public with a date for the first time in many years, Scholarship’s i9000 streaming sterling silver tresses and pure overall look got also even more interest. Unlike many other Hollywood men his age, BIG ASS NAKED OLDER WOMEN Reeves is dating an older woman - someone who seems to be roughly within hwill be age range. Not only did this shocker perpetuate the public’s view of Reeves as a man who has rejected the libertine ways of the typical A-list celeb, but it has stoked debate about why it’s so rare to see older male movie stars acting in age-appropriate ways when it comes to women.
So, who is Alexandra Grant? She’s an award-winning artwill bet known for creating gorgeous word art installations and illustrating Reeves’ 2011 book Ode to Happiness, about avoiding despair and depressive disorders. Based on what I gleaned from her CV, sheseems kind of awesome. She and Reeves co-founded an art-focused publishing press in 2017, and she in addition utilized her artwork to commence a nonprofit charities.
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In interviews, Grant says things like, “I want to live like a ghost. In a real way, the ghost is me,” which will be exactly the kind of thing you’d say if you were the kind of person who winds up dating John Wick. I want to come to be light in touch, but definitely in this article for a particular goal.
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The pair has known each other for years and their friendship hasn’t been hidden. Reeves’s popularity aside, this is just another celebrity relationship, right? As delightful as it is to see the internet’s boyfriend Reeves holding hands with someone at a public event who clearly cares for him, it might be tempting to wonder: Why are we so invested? But it appears that they only started out going out with this springtime, based on Grant’s social media posts - only the public didn’t catch on until recently.
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Yes and no. This one in particular is simply notable for a few reasons.
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Age-appropriate Hollywood relationships are so rhappen to be that they’ve become subjects of fascination and intrigue
Vox has written before of Keanu’s unique relationship to pop culture and to the public, one based on his air of “kind smile masking centuries of loneliness” that makes many of us feel an outsized investment in his happiness. He’s suffered through tragedies over the years notoriously; his personal life provides been inextricably tied to what he calls “grief and loss, ”therefore various of his supporters are usually thrilled to see him cheerful simply.
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But Grant is getting just as much attention, if not more, for being the age she will be as for being in a relationship with Reeves. In fact, she’t 46 - a ten years more youthful than Reeves practically, who is 55. Their relationship going viral will be a good moment for us all to unpack a bunch of built-in cultural assumptions at once. It seems that many people assumed at a glance that the artist was older than Reeves, becomecause of her silver-haired appearance in the viral photos from the Los Angeles event.
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Let’s start with Grant’s gray hair. In reality, people of all genders start going bleak in their 30s and are at least half-gray by the time they reach age 50. Yet stricter beauty standards for women mean that we generally assume a woman with gray hair must be older - otherwise, wouldn’t she dye those lone gray strands? Cue people registering confusion about Grant’s hair relative to her age - and subsequent backlash to that confusion.
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The critiques of Grant’s hair are tied up in expectations of women “aging gracefully” and the many double standards for men and women - which brings us to the debate over Grant’s age. In a world where women are usually often portrayed as being deceitful if they make themselves look younger than they are, some onlookers seem to feel deceived by Grant’s silver hair. (It doesn’t help in this case that Keanu himself is well-known for appearing not to age.)
It’s interesting, frustrating, and inevitable that perhaps, while Grant is being criticized and scrutinized over her age and her choice to be silver-haired - rather than the fact that she’s apparently a fascinating creator in her own right - Reeves will be conversely receiving universal praise for dating a woman “his own age,” perhaps though that women will be even now practically a decade more youthful than he will be.
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This praise makes sense superficially. Keanu has emerged as America’s sweet, super-respectful, perfect boyfriend in recent years, throughout 2019 especially. For him to date an “age-appropriate” woman is entirely in keeping with hwill be persona and reputation as a gentle soul who’s unlike many other Hollywood A-list men of his stature. (The tabloids tell us that the 44-year-old DiCaprio and his current girlfriend, 22-year-old Camila Morrone, are serious “pretty.”) And then there are men like Dennis Quaid, 65, this week for announcing his engagement to a 26-year-old PhD student who produced headlines. Compwill be him with someone like Leonardo DiCaprio, who offers been mocked for simply internet dating women 50 percent his era widely.
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Given this environment, it’s no wonder many people are relieved that Reeves is dating someone only nine years younger than he is. Of the stigma and scrutiny that attach themselves to Grant Regardless, Keanu gets to retain hwill be status as a non-problematic fave.And there’s come to been plenty of side-conversation about how warped that is, too.
There’s no denying that the bar of romantic age-appropriateness is firmly on the floor. And Keanu’h love existence travels gather and garnered general public agreement. Better Even, it’s warming hearts, like Keanu himself just.
And he isn’t making much out of the relationship or his partner’s apparent age. Reeves continues to live his life out of the public eye, albeit with the drape pulled just a good touch even more than usual backside. Definitely not that we would any kind of expect.
In the end, anything that makes Keanu happy will make most of his fans happy, which seems like a win for everyone. So cheers to the new couple - may they be excellent to one another.
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